Statutory Information  

Statutory documents and information we are required to publish


Where to find this on our website


 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding policy (Click to access) 

 Contact information

Contact Us  (Click to access)

 Behaviour Policy

Behaviour policy (Click to access)

 Values and ethos of the school

Visionand Values (Click to access)

 Charging and remissions policy

Policies (Click to access)

 Complaints procedure

Policies(Click to access)

 SEND information report

SEND & Inclusion  (Click to access)

 Ofsted report 

Ofsted & Performance Page (Click to access)

 School performance

Performance data (Click to access)

 Equality information

Equality Policy (Click to access)

 Curriculum pages (including phonics schemes)

Curriculum (Click to access)

 Learning at home / remote learning

Home Learning (Click to access)

 Admissions arrangements

Admissions Policy (Click to access)

 Pupil Premium and National tutoring funding

Pupil Premium and other funding (Click to access)

 PE and Sport premium

PE & Sport Premium  (Click to access)

 Governance structure and responsibilities

Governance at Nether Hall School (Click to access)

 Governor information and attendance

Governance at  Nether Hall School  (click to access)

 Financial Benchmarking

Financial Benchmarking  (click link to access)

 Financial Information 

Financial Information (click link to access)

 Careers programme information

Careers programme information


Statutory Information  

Statutory documents and information we are required to publish


Where to find this on our website


 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding policy (Click to access) 

 Contact information

Contact Us  (Click to access)

 Behaviour Policy

Behaviour policy (Click to access)

 Values and ethos of the school

Visionand Values (Click to access)

 Charging and remissions policy

Policies (Click to access)

 Complaints procedure

Policies(Click to access)

 SEND information report

SEND & Inclusion  (Click to access)

 Ofsted report 

Ofsted & Performance Page (Click to access)

 School performance

Performance data (Click to access)

 Equality information

Equality Policy (Click to access)

 Curriculum pages (including phonics schemes)

Curriculum (Click to access)

 Learning at home / remote learning

Home Learning (Click to access)

 Admissions arrangements

Admissions Policy (Click to access)

 Pupil Premium and National tutoring funding

Pupil Premium and other funding (Click to access)

 PE and Sport premium

PE & Sport Premium  (Click to access)

 Governance structure and responsibilities

Governance at Nether Hall School (Click to access)

 Governor information and attendance

Governance at  Nether Hall School  (click to access)

 Financial Benchmarking

Financial Benchmarking  (click link to access)

 Financial Information 

Financial Information (click link to access)

 Careers programme information

Careers programme information